Here you can find the latest news and events relating to the STANCE research project. STANCE continuously publish ongoing working papers, hosts visiting scholars and arrange seminars available for all.
For a complete list of final publications related to stance, please visit Publications.
For databases created by STANCE, please visit Data.
For a complete list of final publications related to stance, please visit Publications.
For databases created by STANCE, please visit Data.
Brown-Bag Lunch SeminarsThe STANCE research program organizes brown-bag lunches to present the latest research within the research area of politics, history and state-making. The seminars are held on Wednesdays from 12-13 at the Department of Political Science in Lund.
Seminar series spring 2021All seminars will be accessible online though Zoom. Email [email protected] for the link to participate via Zoom.
Find available abstracts here. February 10, 2021 | Magnus Åsblad Danger all around: How foreign military threats and domestic power-sharing shape autocratic state-building February 25, 2021 | Tim Besley Reciprocity and the State March 10, 2021 | Gustav Agneman Predicting Local State Capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Machine Learning Approach March 24, 2021 | 4 - 5 PM | Pavithra Suryanarayan Status politics hollows out the state: Evidence from Colonial India April 7, 2021 | Petrus Olander Parties, Demand, Logrolling And Time Horizons - What Institutions Facilitate Investments in State Capacity? April 21, 2021 | Agustín Goenaga Without the King’s Head: Legislatures and State Capacity in the West April 28, 2021 | Sara Kalm - Citizenship and migration of the poor - CANCELLED May 5, 2021 | Jens Bartelson The Empire of the International May 19, 2021 | Martin Hall Excerpts from International Relations in Unusual Places: the Viking international society June 2, 2021 | Amy Basu To Be Announced Previous seminarsFind out more about our previous seminars here.
Visiting ScholarsEvery semester STANCE hosts four visiting scholars at the Department of Political Science in Lund.
Visiting scholars autumn 2020No visits planner for autumn semester 2020
Previous visiting scholars
Working PapersSTANCE's affiliated researchers frequently publish working papers about ongoing projects, available for all.
Latest Working PapersOriol Sabaté and José Peres-Cajías: Linking war, natural resources and public revenues: the case of the War of the Pacific (1879-1883)
Previous Working PapersThe other 40 Papers in the STANCE Working Papers Series have been uploaded and can be found here.